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Entries by Emmett Culligan (30)


RTD art: Emmett Culligan's "Plow" at the County Line station (Denver Westward Publication)

"Let's make a gigantic agricultural plowshare," is the thought that inspired artist Emmett Culligan to create "Plow," the large sculpture that resides at the County Line light-rail station. Culligan answered a few questions about this piece in our latest installment of our RTD art series and discussed the purpose he hopes it serves.

Read entire article here...


New Public Art Sculptures on View at PACE Center and O’Brien Park

"PACE is proud to announce that Denver artist Emmett Culligan has donated his piece titled “Colid #7” to the PACE Center. The sculpture, which is placed on Pine Drive at the western entrance to PACE, becomes the 16th piece in the Town’s permanent public art collection. The community is invited to meet the artist and join in a dedication reception on June 20th 6-8 p.m. during the Third Thursday Art Walk."

Read entire article here...


Catalyst: Colorado Sculpture

Emmett is one of the participating sculptors at the Denver Botanic Gardens for the outdoor group exhibition held from May 4, 2013 - January 12, 2014.


Utilizing the Kiln

Emmett taking work out of kiln


Trip to Myanmar

In late 2012, Emmett traveled to the recently opened country of Myanmar, seen here visiting a happy group of children at an orphanage outside of Yangon.